Private life


Skylock attaches great importance to privacy issues. You have the right to know how we collect, use and disclose information. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the information we collect.


Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a European law, personal data is information that identifies an individual person. This includes in particular the name, address, email address, telephone number and any other element defined as personal data, for example the IP address.


This privacy policy explains how we manage personal data collected through our website or other channels, for example events and fairs, or data received from third parties, when we act as data controller at the regard to such personal data.

Please read the privacy policy carefully before submitting your personal data to us. This will allow you to understand the use we make of your personal data once collected. When you visit our site, you are not obliged to submit any personal data to us. If you do not want us to process your data, do not submit it to this site.

Without your personal data, however, certain services offered on our site will not be accessible to you (for example, completing online forms, downloading documents or requesting demonstrations of our solutions).

By submitting personal information or using this site, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.


This is information that we receive directly from the data subject: personal data collected via online forms on our site. When you complete an online form, for example to contact us, upload documents, make an appointment, request a demonstration of our solutions, register for an event, subscribe to a newsletter, etc., (this list of examples not being exhaustive) you provide us with personal information.
This is the following information:

– first and last name
– email address
– phone number
– company/organization on behalf of which the request is made

Additional information is sometimes requested (size of the company, role of the person in the organization, etc.). The information we request is limited to what we need in order to be able to process your request and pursue our legitimate interest, namely to contact the person again in order to find out what we can do to meet their needs.


This is information that we can find in publicly available resources, such as the data subject’s public profile on LinkedIn, the website of the company/organization on behalf of which the data subject is making the request, as well as any source of information in the public domain on the Internet (World Wide Web). We may combine such information with information you provide to us.


This information concerns your habits on the Internet. When you visit our site, we passively collect data about you, including your IP address, the pages you visit, your geolocation, the language used to consult our site, your origin (if you found us via a research, an advertising campaign, social networks, etc.). We collect this type of information using cookies. Read our cookies policy to find out what cookies we use and how you can accept or refuse them.

The information we collect in this way remains anonymous, unless the visitor identifies himself by submitting a form.


By submitting an online form on our site, the data subject agrees to transmit their personal data to Skylock and knows that Skylock will process it in accordance with this privacy policy.


We may process your personal data without your explicit consent where such processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or in preparation for it (for example, to provide you with an offer).


In recital No. 47, the GDPR stipulates that direct marketing operations (prospecting) constitute a legitimate interest. This legal basis is the second processing basis for which we do not seek your explicit consent. We distinguish three categories of activities based on the legal basis of legitimate interest.


We consider that contacting data subjects who have submitted an online form on our site is in our legitimate interest. We will attempt to contact these people to follow up on their requests. This task will be entrusted directly to our sales team, which will use the means available for this purpose (telephone, email, LinkedIn, etc.).

A customer can receive e-newsletters without having given his explicit consent. These e-newsletters contain information that we consider useful to the customer, for example:

– information about new features of Skylock solutions
– invitations to Skylock events & workshops
– …

We do everything in our power to keep each data subject’s information relevant. However, if the data subject no longer wishes to receive our e-newsletters, they can unsubscribe or change their preferences at any time. Each e-newsletter includes a link to unsubscribe and a link to adjust e-mailing preferences.


Our sales team strives to systematically contact companies where Skylock can add value. To do this, our salespeople consult public domain information sources: the Internet, LinkedIn and other databases. When they find personal information (for example the name of the commercial director of a company), they can process this personal data for the purposes of their legitimate interest, namely to contact this person to present the offer from Skylock.

Data subjects approached in this way will never receive direct marketing communications from Skylock. Any person concerned has the right to know what personal data we hold about them, as well as to have them rectified, supplemented or deleted from our files.


We will respond to all requests you submit to us via our site, including requests for documentation or demonstrations, event registrations, price requests and any other object of an online form. For example, we may use your personal data to call you back by phone or communicate with you by email, LinkedIn or any other means.


We may use your personal data for direct marketing purposes (to provide you with specific information you have requested on our site or more general information about Skylock’s offer, to send you invitations to events or workshops, e-newsletters…). We will only do the above with your express consent or if you have a contract with us and the information sent relates to your contract.


If you submit a CV or a job application on the Skylock site, we will use your personal data in the context of recruitment, where necessary to contact you by email or telephone.


We constantly use and analyze data from visitors to our website to improve the experience of our users.


We may retain personal data to fulfill certain legal obligations.

When do we share your information?

We will never sell or disclose the personal data we collect to third parties, except as specified at the time of collection.

We may share personal data with third parties who process this information on our behalf. To the extent that these service providers act as data processors, we do not authorize them to process or disclose the data in any way. We require these processors to adequately protect the confidentiality and security of the personal data they process on our behalf. In other words, we conclude subcontracts with all subcontractors who work with us. All processors must comply with the GDPR.

We may also be required to disclose your personal data in the context of a legal obligation or legal action (for example by order of the public authorities).

How long do we keep your data?

After you provide us with your personal data, it will be processed in Skylock’s files and retained for as long as necessary.

If you are a Skylock customer, we will retain your information for the duration of the contract between your business and Skylock. Upon termination of the contract, we will keep your information in our files for the period provided by law. You can ask us to erase your data earlier. In this case, we will erase all the data we have except those which we are legally obliged to keep.

If you are not a Skylock customer, we must make a decision based on the information we receive. We will delete your information if we find that it is no longer accurate and we are unable to correct the errors. (For example, if we receive a “delivery failed” message in response to an email.) We will also delete your information if you ask us to. If you never contact us and we observe no activity (visits to the site, clicks on a collective email, personal contacts with our sales representatives, etc.) over a period of 5 years, your data will be erased.

If you are a job applicant, your CV and personal data will be stored in our system for 5 years from the year following the year of your application. You can ask us to erase your data earlier.


You have the right to know what personal data we hold about you, as well as to have it rectified, completed or deleted from our files.

For this purpose, you will need to provide us with adequate proof of your identity (eg a copy of your passport).

Skylock will make all reasonable efforts to comply with your request. Under certain legal conditions, we may retain personal data that you ask us to erase. In such a case, we will specify to you which data we are required to keep.


You can ask us at any time not to process your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

– When you visit our website, you can choose to accept or refuse our cookies. If you do not want us to use your visitor data (eg your IP address, your browsing history on our site…), you should not accept cookies from our site. Read our Cookies Policy to find out how to accept or refuse cookies.
– When you complete an online form on our site, you can choose to subscribe to our newsletters. If you do not subscribe, you will not receive automatic emails from Skylock. However, we will process the data you submit via our online forms and the sales people on our team will use this information to attempt to contact you personally.
– In any case, if you subscribe to our newsletters and then change your mind, you will have the opportunity to unsubscribe each time you receive an email from Skylock. All emails include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the page.

Cookies & similar technologies

Read our cookies policy to learn more about the use of cookies by our site and our application.


When Skylock receives or transmits data via its website, Skylock uses encryption technologies considered industry standards. When the data has been processed and is in Skylock’s files, Skylock implements a set of technical and organizational measures to protect the data against any unlawful consultation, disclosure, use, modification or destruction.
However, you should know that due to the open and insecure nature of the Internet, Skylock cannot be held responsible for the security of the transmission of your personal data over the Internet.

Changes to our privacy policy

This policy is subject to change. The date of its last revision appears on this page. Review this privacy policy each time you prepare to submit personal data.

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